Each day in the United States, more than 10 people are killed and more than 1000 people are injured in crashes that are reported to involve a distracted driver. This is very lethal and new laws are being made due to the reduction of this risk.
There are three major types of distraction:
- Visual (taking your eyes off the road)
- Manual (taking your hands off the wheel)
- Cognitive (taking your mind off driving)
The most common distracting activities while driving are using your cell phone, eating and texting. Navigation systems (like GPS) are the second most common way to distract you off the road. While any of these distractions can endanger the driver and others, messaging while driving is particularly risky on the grounds that it consolidates each of the three sorts of distraction.
According to the National Safety Council, a Harvard risk analysis study estimated the annual cost of crashes caused by cell phone use to be $54 billion, which amounts to $4.5 billion a month. The National Safety Council suggests 37 percent of crashes are the result of cell phone use, and that text messaging creates a crash risk 37 times worse than driving not distracted. In the meantime, when you consider in alternate diversions that can redirect an individual’s consideration from the roadway – consuming, communicating with travelers and more – it makes sense that the numbers will increase.
If you want to go on super safety mode while driving check out our post about The Risks of modern driving.
Both talking and messaging without a hands-free device have been prohibited in California for a few years now.
California law states:
“A person shall not drive a motor vehicle while using a wireless telephone unless that telephone is specifically designed and configured to allow hands-free listening and talking, and is used in that manner while driving.”
Despite the fact that GPS isn’t banned in many states, typing map coordinates and looking at directions is just as dangerous as texting. Instead, set your coordinates ahead of time (or pull over) and use a program that provides turn-by-turn navigation. That way, you can listen rather than look. Without a doubt, it is not a flawless arrangement – listening is a cognitive diversion – yet driving around lost and befuddled can really be worse. Despite the fact that high school kids may not be the greatest occupied driving guilty parties, they aren’t too far behind. Furthermore, as new drivers, they require all the additional help they can get.

VAN3 Auto Transport RECOMMENDS
to not use any gadgets and accessories that can distract your attention from the road while driving. We are transporting vehicles more than ten years and we sure know that safety is should ALWAYS come first.
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